Characters: Colonies form corymbose plates or clumps. Branchlets are thin and delicate, straight or uniformly curved. Axial corallites are usually distinctive. Radial corallites have a rosette arrangement, are usually in rows and are appressed with rounded openings. Tentacles are usually extended during the day.
Colour: Uniform pale cream, grey or brown, sometimes green or purple. Branch ends are sometimes yellow.
Similar Species: Acropora subulata has radial corallites that are tubular and appressed without rounded openings or a rosette arrangement. Acropora valida and A. nana have longer radial corallites which are completely appressed. See also A. dendrum.
Habitat: A wide range of environments, especially shallow turbid water.
Abundance: Common except in the central and western Indian Ocean where it is only known from a few records.
Taxonomic References: Veron and Wallace (1984); Wallace (1999); Veron (2000a); Wallace, Done and Muir (2012);
Identification Guides: Veron (1986a); Nishihira and Veron (1995); Pillay, Terashima, Venkatasami et al. (2002); Turak and DeVantier (2011b);