Characters: Colonies are corymbose clumps, usually with neat evenly spaced delicate branchlets, but branchlets may be irregular and prostrate. Axial corallites are distinct and tubular. Radial corallites are arranged in a neat rosette and have slightly flaring lips.
Colour: Yellow, cream, green or blue. Colours may be bright with distinctively coloured corallite lips.
Similar Species: Acropora eurystoma. Acropora vermiculata, which forms branches and has short axial corallites. See also A. selago, which has scale-like radial corallites not arranged in a rosette. Corymbose A. pulchra has smaller, scale-like radial corallites.
Habitat: Upper reef slopes.
Abundance: Common in the western Pacific and Red Sea, uncommon elsewhere.
Taxonomic Note: Similarities with Acropora eurystoma require further study.
Taxonomic References: Wallace (1978); Veron and Wallace (1984); Wallace (1999); Veron (2000a); Wallace, Done and Muir (2012);
Identification Guides: Veron (1986a); Nishihira and Veron (1995); Turak and DeVantier (2011b);