Characters: Colonies are hemispherical or submassive. Corallites are angular and deep. Septa are prominent, with large conspicuous teeth. Paliform lobes are weakly developed.
Colour: A wide range, usually with contrasting walls and oral discs.
Similar Species: Favites paraflexuosa and F. vasta. Favites abdita has smaller, usually less angular corallites. See also Acanthastrea echinata, which has larger septal teeth and thick fleshy polyps.
Habitat: A wide range of reef environments and rocky foreshores.
Abundance: Sometimes common, especially in subtropical locations.
Taxonomic Note: A species complex.
Taxonomic References: Wijsman-Best (1972); Veron, Pichon and Wijsman-Best (1977);
Identification Guides: Veron (1986a); Nishihira and Veron (1995); Pillay, Terashima, Venkatasami et al. (2002); Chan, Choi, McCorry et al. (2005); Turak and DeVantier (2011b);